Friday, 25 January 2013

Lino App - Topic work assessment

Year 4 have used the ipad app LINO to review their learning.

Today we carried out a maths investigation linked to our GLOBAL GORMET topic.  The children researched different food stores to find the ingredients needed for 4 different recipes.  Their aim was to find the ingredient at the best price (the cheapest!).

Their maths target was to calculate the total cost of all of the ingredients to make the dish.

At the end of the lesson, the children reflected on how they had found their learning today.  These are the questions they considered:
Had they been able to use an addition method to calculate the total cost?
Which addition method did they use? (Written, mental or calculator)
How did they find the research stage?
Did they have any difficulties?
How did they work as a team?

Below you can see the LINO of their learning review:

Sunday, 20 January 2013

School Closed

School is closed (Monday 21st January) but don't worry there are plenty of things to be getting on with. Here are some ideas for your learning at home:

1. Reading
2. Sumdog
3. Write a blog comment about Rickshaw girl under the Rickshaw Girl post.  What have you enjoyed about the story so far?
4. Create a snowman and photograph him (send the pictures to the class Gmail account so that I can create a class gallery).
5. Continue your home cooking projects.

Have a great day everyone!

Miss Szyndler

Saturday, 19 January 2013

Sumdog Contest - New Leader board!

Our current rank in the Coventry Sumdog contest is... 1st!

Here is the leader board as it stands at the moment:

Also...don't forget to join the class challenge!

Thursday, 17 January 2013


 Welcome to...

Click the dog in the cup to go to the site.  Use your individual logins to login.  Our school code is: howes-primary-school.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

Rickshaw Girl

Over the next term we will be studying texts of other cultures.  Our core text is Rickshaw Girl.

We have been looking at the relationships between the different characters in the story, thinking about their feelings and how they interact with each other.

We used the Popplet App on the ipads to record our work.  Here are some examples: