Saturday 20 July 2013

Human Body Projects

This week we will be finishing our Human Body projects.

We will post them here for everyone to see.  This will probably be the last post of the year.

Here is the first one to get you started!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Gardening Club Update

Hi Everyone!

Take a look at the Gardening Club Page to see what we have been up to over the last few weeks!

Friday 24 May 2013

May Half Term Homework

Have a lovely holiday year 4!

Here are a few things to keep you busy!

There are 5 pieces of homework that you should do.  They are:

1. My Maths homework

2. Read your books

3. Learn your spellings

Now for the fun bits!

4. Click on this link and have a go at these games linked to next term's topic.

5.  Create your own skeleton friend.  You can choose how to do this! Be creative! He can be whatever size you like.

Some ideas that you might like to try:


Cotton buds

Bin bag and paper/masking tape

Pipe cleaners

Or an idea of your own!

Monday 20 May 2013

This Week's 100 Word Challenge

You have 100 words only to produce a creative piece of writing. Really think about the words you choose for your readers. Don’t forget you can include what you hear and smell as well as see.

100word challenge#Keely and Khushi

The weird guy

One day something weird happened when I was walking to the tennis stadium. Suddenly an earthquake shook the whole place like mad. Then the trees in the forbidden forest collapsed like an old man without his walking stick. All the buildings fell down. Everything was dusty in the sky so I could not see a thing, it was like I was blind. Just then something weird happened AGAIN! I heard someone scream.

100 word challenge #31 Kifayat and Eve

Long long ago before world war 1 an enormous bomb shelter was built. After all these years it was unused. Until the year 2000.
13 years later, I was walking to school, when I bumped into something which felt like a giant golf ball covered in bubble wrap. I looked up it was a giant golf ball covered in bubble wrap. I moved around the peculiar thing. A man pointed at me. I couldn't see through clearly but I knew some one had spotted me. Suddenly a hand pulled me in...

100 words challenge #31- Macey and Libby

The secret caterpillar

Long, long ago a shower of bubble wrap came down to England and made a big dome. But what I never realised was that when I walked to it, it looked like half of a giant caterpillar. At first because it was made of bubble wrap, it looked like I could pop it.  It smelt like a world of caterpillars. It felt like a big hard piece of bubble wrap. The air tasted of chocolate bubble-gum. I  could hear people screaming inside of the dome. That was when...

100 word challenge #31 Sahill and Mcorley

I was walking through this weird place when I saw a something strange and peculiar. I thought there was something inside. There could have been...thousands of aliens inside this golf ball which smelled horrible. Slowly I touched it. I was frightened. The giant golf ball had big holes on the outside that looked like they were going to pop. I could see the golf ball vibrating quickly. It sounded like a disco inside because it was grooving so much.

100 word challenge #31 Laurel and Euan

We were just walking down the old cracked road when we came across  something strange and weird.It looked liked massive pieces of bubble wrap that you could pop.What was it? Was it  an alien camp or what?  Inside there must be alien's feeding on humans - better not get to close. What if something good was going to happen though? Oh let's just push it to the back of our minds. It was suddenly really hot. Let's eat some blueberries and hopefully it will cool us down. "It smells like  muddy bombs round here" we thought.