Monday, 20 May 2013

100 word challenge #31 Isaac William

Long ago a UFO crash landed and split into 3 pieces and its now a place where scientists do a lot of experiments to make humans  as quick as lightning disappear.Its really  like a 3 domed golf ball but anyway I couldn't believe the next thing and that is it looks like bubble rap too the bubbles were in the shape of hexagons  it looked as if it was almost see through but when people looked in it was blurred.The golf ball stunk of rotten beef but it was wobbling side to side and up and down like there was a disco.


  1. Well done your work is fantastic.


  2. Hello Isaac,
    Well done on entering the 100wc. These look like the golf-ball, early warning radars that used to be on the moors near to where I live. I like your idea that they are parts of an alien UFO. I agree they do look like bubble wrapping - do you like to pop it too?
    You have described what you can see very well, just take care with your sentence punctuation.
    Well done again
    Keep entering the 100wc
    Mrs W - Team 100wc
    Flamborough, East Yorkshire, England
    My class blog on if you would like to have a look where we are.
